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How to determine the amount of calcium in the human body

Dear friends!

    This article is focused on calcium (Ca), a chemical element located under the number 20 in the periodic table.

how to determine the amount of calcium in the human body

    This element was discovered by a Cornish scientist Humphry Davy in 1808 and takes its name from "CALX"  a Latin abbreviation, which stands for "lime".

It is safe to say that calcium is the this trace element most important and integral for the human vital activity.

    Analyzing the requests made by the consumers regarding calcium, we have detected the following variations:

• how to determine the amount of calcium present in the human body;

• how to determine the amount of calcium in the human body;

• how to determine the amount of calcium in the body;

• how to check the level of calcium in the body;

• how to raise the level of calcium in the body;

• how to increase the level of calcium in the human body;

• how can I learn the level of calcium in the human body;

• how the level of calcium in the body can be determined.

    According to statistics, lack of calcium in the human body is turning into a global problem with all that it entails.

By the time people turn 40, 50%  of them lack calcium and when it comes to sixty-years-old patients included into the studied group,  the percentage comes up to 90. This statistics gives more than a good reason for considering monitoring the level of calcium in your body an urgent measure.

    Calcium is literally responsible for the condition of our skeleton and connective tissues since 99% of this element is contained within the bone and cartilage tissue. It also is in charge of keeping muscle tone, ensuring normal activity of the  cardiovascular system, conferring immunity at the level of cell membranes and a number of other activities, vital for the human body.

The lack of calcium results in the serious abnormalities which lead to such health problems as fatigue, night cramps, stoop, reduced growth, early graying, a tendency to bone fracturing and more than 150 other diseases.

The level of calcium in the human body can be determined through a number of methods, studying such clinical samples as blood, urine or inorganic materials (hair, nails, etc.).

It is worth focusing on inorganic samples studied with the method of coupled plasma mass spectrometry, i.e. the method of spectral analysis.

    The main advantages of this method resides in the highly accurate determination of the calcium level in the samples. If you decide to determine the amount of calcium in your body,  this method will also provide you with the quantitative data on other 17 essential trace elements, comprising a complete picture of the bioelemental status of your body, which would help you to detect its weak points, requiring special monitoring.

If required, will also provide you with the data on 15 toxic pathogenically noxious chemical elements, which get accumulated systematically in the bodies of people, residing in large cities with the problem ecology.

You can see the examples of the done tests  by clicking this link

As you might see, our company promotes and explains the methods of spectral analysis. Our specialists are ready to answer any questions you have.

    It is worth noting that all studies are conducted in the only state-accredited  laboratory in Russia located in the Clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg. The method was elaborated within a national health care program aimed at detecting toxic chemical elements in the human body.

The technologies of the 21st century are ready to assist you in monitoring and protection of your body, so the choice is yours!

We would like to thank you for your kind attention!

Yours faithfully, 33 Elementa.Ru

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