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How to determine the amount of iron in the human body

Dear friends!

    This article is focused on iron (Fe), a chemical element familiar to us all, and determine its role in activity of  the human body.

how to determine the amount of iron in the human body

    We can find this chemical element under the number 26 in the periodic table. It is a silver-white metal.

The first mentioning of iron could be found in ancient Egypt, in the 5 millennium BC. It is interesting to know that it was derived from meteorites coming from space and not through processing ores.

It was at the turn of the 2 millennium BC when the ancient people learned to process iron ore, which gave rise to the Iron Age.

    The recommendations on use of iron in medicine qua additive to food and water, can be found in medical journals as early as in the 17th century, which underlines its general apparent importance for people, flora and fauna.

    Plants contain iron involved in compounds including - heme (catalases, peroxidases, cytochromes, etc.). Speaking of the main function of iron, we should place emphasis on its importance for electron and oxygen transfer, ensuring oxidoreduction and activating peroxide compounds coming from copper ions.

Iron is vital for  proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems, bone shaping and proper functioning of stomach and intestines and some other body systems.

That is why, it is especially important for women to monitor the level of iron in the body during pregnancy in order to ensure correct fetation and avoid its lack in the body of the mother-to-be.

Speaking about another essential aspect of iron, we should focus on coherence of the content of heavy metals in the soil and plants, form the following series:

Fe> Cu> Mn> Zn> Pb and a number of other heavy metals.

    This series intends a direct distributive coherence of these trace elements in the human body as well as in  the bodies of animals and in plants. For example the lack iron can result in accumulation of lead (Pb), a toxic noxious metal, while the sufficient level of iron decreases this risk and the body becomes capable of excreting excess of lead through organs meant for this functions.

 The human body contains about 3 -5 grams of iron, at the average, its 75-80% is accounted for by hemoglobin, 6-10% is included in myoglobin , 1% in respiratory enzymes and 25% in a liver and muscles.

As it was mentioned above, the lack of iron leads to an increased accumulation of toxic metals such as manganese, copper, cobalt, cadmium, aluminum, etc.

Stores of iron can be judged about by the presence of ferritin in serum. Transferrin ensures iron state transition.

    Detecting the categories most prone to the lack of iron we should name the following groups:

- children;

- teenagers;

- women of reproductive age;

- elderly people.


    Anemia became a very widespread problem in the 21st century. It often results from unbalanced and unhealthy diet causing imbalanced and improper absorption of iron.

It is especially important to vegetarians  to monitor the level of iron in blood, since they are at the biggest risk of the lack of iron and zinc developing in their bodies causing the irreversible changes and dysfunctions of the body.

Red meat as well as fish and chicken are the product most suitable for replenishing the required amount of iron in the human body.

Listing the food products maximizing the intake of natural heme iron we should also mention liver and kidneys, porcini mushrooms, peaches and apricots, rye, parsley, chicken egg, etc.

 Conventional food products contain natural heme iron, unlike most supplements and mineralized food products, including non-heme iron qua sulfates, gluconate, ferrous iron, which lead to an accumulation of oxidizing noxious iron in the body and risks of  blood vessel and tissue injury.

In order to avoid health risks, supplements containing iron should not be taken without any special need which  this is particularly true for r elderly people.

    Speaking of the lack of iron in the body, i.e. anemia as well as of impaired hemoglobin synthesis, we should to highlight the following reasons for such conditions:

- impaired absorption of food iron in the intestine caused by functional disease;

- elevated states of iron consumption (the body growth, lactation, pregnancy, heavy stress, etc.);

- nutritional problems and unhealthy diets, vegetarianism, etc.

    It is important to know that:

- women have three times less iron in the body than men;

- iron deficiency anemia makes 85% of all kinds anemia, which pregnant women suffer from;

- with reference to girls residing in developed countries, their daily iron intake makes just 60-65% of reference intake;

    Speaking of “hyposiderosis”, i.e. the lack of  in the body, it is worth noting that this disorder is most common  for people.

As we mentioned above it can be caused by some disease, improper absorption and nutrition, environment, lifestyle, etc.

The clinical picture of the lack of  iron in the body manifests itself through the following states:

- hypochromic anemia;

- precordialgia, fatigue, headaches, fainting;

- dry mucous membranes, gingivitis and trophytes, gastritis, appetite and taste perversions, gastric dispersion, etc.

- low immune function and anemia of all types.

    Considering the reverse, i.e. the exceeded level of iron in the body, we should mention the following disorders:

Hypersideremia, elevated levels of non-heme iron in blood plasma caused by  hemisiderosis, hemochromatosis, acute infectious diseases, anemia  and depletion of iron reserves and its low intake with food.

Hemosiderosis, excessive depositing of hemosiderin in the tissues of the body and damaged lysosomes.

Siderosis, an occupational health problem caused by iron oxide dust, common for blast furnace operators as well as for other people working in dusty environment.

Analyzing the requests made by the consumers regarding this issue, we have detected the following variations:

• how to determine the amount of iron in the human body;

• how to determine the amount of iron in the body;

• how to check the level of iron in the body;

• how to determine the amount of iron present in the body;

• how to determine the amount of iron present in the human body;

• how to check the level of iron in the human body;

• how to increase the level of iron in the human body;

• how can I learn the level of iron in the human body;

• how the level of iron in the body can be determined.

• why the exceeded level  of iron in the body is bad for health.

    Regarding the methods applied for determining the level of iron in the body, we should say that the most  simple and accessible method is the clinical blood test aimed at determining the level of hemoglobin, which is usually done in medical institutions.

    If you decide to choose more accurate and extensive method, determining the presence of iron in bones, hair, tissues, etc., we would recommend a unique method for studying the bioelemental status of the body, based on 33 chemical trace elements, i.e. the method of coupled plasma mass spectrometry.

    The method of mass spectrometry is more preferable due to the fact that it is impossible to trace the proper level of this trace element in the deposited form on the bases on readings of blood hemoglobin.

Thus, the test might indicate the normal level of iron in the blood. Yet analyzing iron accumulated in tissues and skeleton can detect  its lack and increased release of this trace element into the blood, which occurred under the influence of hormones and other factors, which can result in  functional deviations and some other health problems  in years to come.

Also, regarding the interaction of iron with other toxic and vital trace elements, it is necessary to maintained the correct proportions and avoid disturbing the optimal equilibrium in distributing of trace elements in the body.

The presence of toxic trace elements, which worries people so much due to noticeable unfavorable environmental factors, poor nutrition and quality of water, can be caused by the low level of vital trace elements in the body which are aimed at preventing the accumulation of toxic elements on the bases of interchangeability.

    Toxic trace elements get systematically accumulated in the tissues, organs, bones and other body structures, therefore it is impossible to detect their exact presence through studies of the organic samples such as urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, etc.

It also applies to the detection of the vital trace elements when their exact quantity needs to be determined in order to build an overall picture of the bioelemental status qua the aggregate of vital and toxic elements.

    That is exactly why the unique laboratory of elemental analysis aimed at detecting and monitoring the presence of toxic trace elements in the human body of was launched within the Clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2007. The service was initially meant for employees of the huge structure accountable to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    The spectral analysis (you can learn more about the method by clicking this link is a unique method which provides the most  accurate information both on vital and toxic trace elements, present in a human body, which makes it possible to study the wide range of indicators instead of focusing on a certain single chemical element.

You can look into an example of the study done through the method of the spectral analysis by clicking this link.

It is a matter of great importance, since the trace elements constitute a single system and the lack of some elements causes the accumulation of the others, which results in replacement of the certain elements with the other once.

    As you might see, our project is fully devoted to the spectral analysis and its principle with regard to health control. We will gladly assist you at every step of this study, elucidate the obtained results and, if necessary, advise you on how to restore the elemental status of your body.

Our experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the method of spectral analysis!

The uniqueness of this method makes it possible to study samples sent from any part of the world as a usual letter. It is a truly unique tool of the health control.

Remember that the systematic control over the vital sighs it is the major step on the way to well-being and longevity.

We would like to thank you for your kind attention!

Yours faithfully, 33 Elementa.Ru

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