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It is important to know:

Why do people choose the Clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

Which steps necessary to do the test?

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Micronutrient knowledge base


Become our partner

Dear friends!


This section is devoted to an important issue of building up a business based on an innovative service of the spectral analysis of the biological materials introduced by the All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine of A.M. Nikiforov.


At the moment, building a partnership usually involves the following options:


1) Building up this service in your region qua an independent business.

2) As a part of your medical practice, sending sampling material of your patients.

3) Qua a service of a beauty salon, positioned as a part of a program aimed at prolonging  the youth of the body and eliminating pathogenic factors accelerating aging.

4) Within the a medical center, providing various types of laboratory studies, collection of samples, etc.


Let us once again emphasize incontestable advantages of the spectral analysis:


1) This type of research currently gives a chance to carve out a new niche, promoting the service and providing it  to patients.

2) The elemental analysis laboratory of  the All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine of A.M. Nikiforov, located in St. Petersburg Russia, is the only laboratory that has the state accreditation and proper licensing (medical license No. FS 78-01-002624, 14.06.2012), which does the spectral analysis (determination of the bioelemental status) of the biological materials with the premium equipment.

3) In this regard, none of the privet laboratories stands a chance against the abovementioned institution.  In fact the findings of any non-state laboratory don't meet requirements  of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation and the medical reports it issues lack legal validity.

The above-mentioned fact should be considered a decisive advantage, since it initially eliminates any competition from various private research laboratories on this market.

4) The uniqueness and a wide range of data, obtained through the research, makes it possible to apply the method in various fields of the medicine and the beauty industry.

5) Easy sampling and no need to use special expensive devices make important advantages of the spectral analysis.

6) Also, the parameters of the sampling material make them easy to deliver from any region by mail, courier services, etc., which assures the widest regional coverage for this service.


Permanent partner rates:


In order to be eligible for the conditions stated below, partners need to do at least 15 tests a month (a billing period)


Full test on 35 chemical elements (vital + toxic). Price - 90 USD

Test on vital (18*) chemical elements. Price – 80 USD

Test on toxic (17**) chemical elements. Price – 80 USD


*- vital micro elements (18): Boron (B), Calcium (Ca), Cobalt(Co), Chrome (Cr),  Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe),  Iodine (I), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Natrium / Sodium (Na), Phosphorus (P), Selenium (Se), Vanadium (V), Zinc (Zn), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge)


** - toxic dangerous micro elements (17): Titanium (Ti), Antimony (Sb), Silver (Ag), Aluminum (Al), Arsenic (As), Beryllium (Be), Cadmium (Cd), Cesium (Cs), Hydrargyrum / mercury (Hg), Lithium (Li), Nickel (Ni), Plumbum / Lead (Pb), Strontium (Sr), Thallium (Tl), Barium (Ba), Tin (Sn), Rubidium(Rb)


Building up the partnership involves the following steps:


1) Coordinating the  matters regarding the start of cooperation.

2) Executing a long-term contract, based on an option contract.

3) Coordinating the prices, terms and conditions of the service, which is done individually, depending on the scope and legal status of a counterparty.

4) Providing a sample of a contracts, a patient questionnaire and other documents, necessary get started and begin collecting sampling materials.

5) Receiving test samples and providing the service of the spectral analysis in the elemental analysis laboratory of  the All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine of A.M. Nikiforov.

6) Further counseling and advising on all arising questions regarding the results of the study and the areas they can be applied in.

7) If required by patients, who have done the test, selecting a personal physician and making individual programs, aimed at correcting the mineral and vitamin balance of the body and eliminating noxious toxic trace elements in the body.


If you did not find the answer to your question, please don't hesitate to contact for the required information.


Sincerely yours,

Option contract for spectral analysis services Become our partner


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