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How to determine the amount of zinc in the human body
Dear friends!
This article is focused on zinc (Zn), an essential trace element important for the vital activity of the body. This trace element, familiar to all of us, is located under the number 30 in the periodic table.
how to determine the amount of zinc in the human body
Zinc is an essential trace element, a bluish-white metal.
Speaking about the place of this trace element in history, there are numerous references to this element made in various ancient essays.
This metal takes its name from "zincum", a Latin word which stands for "white plaque". Presumably, this word is rooted in a Persian "cheng" or, according to another version, in "zinco", an ancient German word standing for "an eyesore".
Zinc has been known to mankind since the ancient times. People of ancient Greece and Egypt knew it as a brass component, an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass objects, found in the area of Palestine, date back to 1500 BC.
A pure metal was discovered in 1746 by Andreas Sigismund Marggraf. An element of zinc was derived in 1509, but the effect it has on a living body was confirmed only in 1956.
Zinc is naturally present in ores, which include both zinc and cadmium, qua satellite elements.
The scope of zinc is really wide. It is used in various areas, starting from all kinds of industrial production to widespread use for medical purposes.
One of the major properties zinc possesses is a wide-range antiseptic action. Zinc solution is used for wound cleaning, inhibiting microorganisms and antiseptic effect. Various kinds of dust powder, cream and powder are used for accelerating healing of cleaned tissues and problem areas.
It is worth keeping in mind that zinc present in high concentration becomes dangerous for the body. Highly concentrated zinc is poisonous!
It has been empirically proven that zinc-containing drugs improve the blood composition and quality and allow the body to resist harmful influence of heavy metals, such as lead or cadmium.
We should note that 55-90% of zinc gets into the human body with food and water and its trace amount gets into the body through skin when zinc-containing drugs are applied.
Zinc is an intracellular metal. It gets concentrated in the liver, prostate and pancreas, prostate, eyeballs and pituitary gland.
Blood contains only 2% of this trace element which will be indicated below with reference to the methods of detecting this trace element in the body.
30% of zinc, distributed in the body, is accounted for by a skeleton. It is worth noting that zinc gets absorbed and retained into bone tissue faster that calcium.
Metallothionin is the protein responsible for transport of zinc in the body. And it is worth noting that amount of transport proteins reaches their maximum level while a person is at a young age. Zinc contained in heart, liver and other tissues decreases with aging causing the lack of this element, which makes this trace element hard to replenish for the elderly people.
Monitoring the level of this trace element is especially important to breastfeeding mother since 20% of zinc reserves, including the part contained in bone tissue, are lost in the course of depositing into blood.
The organs and systems, zinc bears the responsibility for, can be arranged in the following sequence:
The immune system, bone tissue, pancreas, skin and mucous membranes, hair and nails, organs of vision, central nervous system, stomach and liver, blood system and pituitary gland.
The major functions zinc is responsible for are the following:
- ensuring metabolic function (protein metabolism, mineral metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, vitamin metabolism, energy metabolism, etc.);
- influencing functioning of the genetic apparatus;
- effecting osteogenesis and cell growth and fission;
- ensuring immunity;
- ensuring spermatogenesis, reparation and regeneration reactions;
- ensuring functioning of the visual analyzer;
- anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, etc.
It is worth keeping in mind that absolutely all vegetarians put their body at a great risk of the lack of zinc and iron. The protective properties of the body are at risk so it is necessary to constantly monitor and replenish these trace elements in the body.
Considering the lack of zinc we can detect following major reasons causing this problem:
- nutritional deficiency caused by the lack of protein and vegetarian diet;
- alcohol and drug addictions;
- disorders of the bowels and liver;
- intoxication with heavy metals and their depositing in the body;
- damaged integumentary system (psoriasis, ulcers, burns);
- starvation and pregnancy, etc.
The lack of zinc deficiency manifests itself through the following symptoms:
- anemia, more typical for children;
- damaged skin, hair and nails;
- blennosis (erosion, stomatitis, metaplasia of the genital organs, urinary tract, etc.);
- retarded physical and mental development;
- lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
- delayed healing and internal bleeding;
- sexual dysfunctions, etc.
It is interesting know that zinc participates in the decomposing and neutralization of alcohol in the body. When its level in the body is low, any portion of alcohol leads to intoxication and poisoning of the body.
It is important to monitor the level of zinc during fetation, since its low content results in such serious defects as hydrocephalus, cleft palate, curvature of the spine, etc.
The lack of zinc causes the following deseases:
- hemochromatosis;
- chronic inflammatory conditions in the gastroenteric tract;
- hepato-cerebral dystrophy;
- sickle cell anemia;
- alcohol and drug addictions, etc.
Considering the other extreme, i.e. the exceeded level of zinc in the body, it manifests itself through the following symptoms:
- iron and copper deficiency anemia;
- bouts of weakness;
- intoxication symptoms;
- hyperuricemia, etc.
Considering zinc interacting with other trace elements we could list the following mechanisms:
Calcium, phosphates, cadmium, iron, copper and magnesium prevent zinc from absorbing in gastroenteric tract.
The exceeded level of zinc leads to the lack of copper and other trace elements, since these elements are absorption competitors.
The lack of zinc in the body leads to accumulation of cadmium and lead, since this two elements are its antagonists.
Food products most rich in of zinc are seafood, meat and offal, brewer's yeast, blueberries, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, soy products and Edam cheese.
Analyzing the requests made by the consumers regarding zinc, we have detected the following variations:
• how to determine the amount of zinc in the human body;
• how to determine the amount of zinc in the body;
• how to check the level of zinc in the body;
• how to raise the level of zinc in the body;
• how to increase the level of zinc in the human body;
• how can I learn the level of zinc in the human body;
• how the level of zinc in the body can be determined;
• how to replete zinc in the body;
• how to find out the amount of zinc present in the human body;
• how to determine the limit of zinc for a child and an adult, etc.
Answering the question of “how to determine the amount of zinc in the human body?” we can list the following conventional methods:
- determining the level of zinc in urine and blood;
- determining the level of retinol-binding protein, etc.
Yet, we would advise you to focus on most accurate and, what is even more important, indicator-capacious method of coupled plasma mass spectrometry, i.e. the spectral analysis of hair.
We would like to emphasize the uniqueness of this method, providing the extensive data on 35 trace elements , obtained through analyzing hair samples or some other biological material.
It makes no sense to study the level of just one separate trace element without obtaining the complete picture, reflecting the microelemental status of the body.
Thus, knowing just the level of zinc will not give us any idea about its antagonists, lead and cadmium, or inform us if we need to take any measures in order to ensure elemental balance and avoid intoxication of the body.
Therefore, the abovementioned technique provides us with a complete picture, making it possible to get a general sense of the body state in order to plan a list of necessary measures aimed at preventing the imbalance of trace elements and health problems in years to come.
Toxic trace elements get systematically accumulated in the tissues, organs, bones and other body structures, therefore it is impossible to detect their exact presence through studies of the organic samples such as urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, etc.
It also applies to the detection of the vital trace elements when their exact quantity needs to be determined in order to build an overall picture of the bioelemental status qua the aggregate of vital and toxic elements.
That is exactly why the unique laboratory of elemental analysis aimed at detecting and monitoring the presence of toxic trace elements in the human body of was launched within the Clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2007. The service was initially meant for employees of the huge structure accountable to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
The spectral analysis (you can learn more about the method by clicking this link is a unique method which provides the most accurate information both on vital and toxic trace elements, present in a human body, which makes it possible to study the wide range of indicators instead of focusing on a certain single chemical element.
You can look into an example of the study done through the method of the spectral analysis by clicking this link.
It is a matter of great importance, since the trace elements constitute a single system and the lack of some elements causes the accumulation of the others, which results in replacement of the certain elements with the other once.
As you might see, our project is fully devoted to the spectral analysis and its principle with regard to health control. We will gladly assist you at every step of this study, elucidate the obtained results and, if necessary, advise you on how to restore the elemental status of your body.
Our experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the method of spectral analysis!
The uniqueness of this method makes it possible to study samples sent from any part of the world as a usual letter. It is a truly unique tool of the health control.
Remember that the systematic control over the vital sighs it is the major step on the way to well-being and longevity.
We would like to thank you for your kind attention!
Yours faithfully, 33 Elementa.Ru
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