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How to determine the amount of chromium in the human body
Dear friends!
This article is focused on chromium (Cr), a vital trace element , easy to find the number 24 in the periodic table.
Chromium was discovered by two scientists, though these two scientific achievements occurred independently of each other. First it was derived from a mineral called crocoite (natural lead chromate) by Louis Nicolas Vauquelin in 1797 and then by Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1798.
Chromium is a metal of a bluish-steel color. It is an essential ultra-trace element, which means that it is not capable of self-generating in the human body, but it must be present in the body in order to ensure its normal functioning. Chromium gets into the human body with water and food we consume
The bright color of chromium compounds gave the name to this chemical element. It takes its name from the a Greek word "croma" which means "color".
The essentiality of chromium was proved in 1957-1959 resulting from experiments on rats conducted by scientists Schwartz and Merz. The experiments showed that rats, that were exposed to a diet lacking chromium, developed sugar intolerance but when the rats, suffering from diabetes-like state, were administered chromium, their condition stabilized.
The major natural chromium-containing mineral is chromite. Some regions of Russia generally lack chromium which results in the lack of this trace element in the bodies of people living there. The systematically decreasing level of chromium in blood and urine of people, taking place over the last 20-30 years, is conditioned by the low dietary intake of this element, since the food products are currently processed with steaming and refining.
There are only two biologically active forms of chromium, i.e. trivalent and hexavalent chromium, yet only chromium Cr 3+ has physiological properties. Cr 6+ compounds are toxic and they provoke pathologies. They are capable of crossing the blood-brain and placental barriers and getting accumulated in tissues and in brain of a fetus, causing its abnormality.
Chromium gets absorbed in the initial sections of the intestine, and the amount of absorbed 3- and 6-valent chromium does not exceed 0.4-0.7% of the total amount getting into the body with food. The absorption of chromium is increased for diabetes sufferers by 3 times.
Toxic chromium Cr 6+, as distinct from physiological chromium, crosses all histohematogenous barriers, plasma membranes, tissues with exudative liquid and gets accumulated in cells. 6-valent chromium compounds are almost impossible to excrete.
Absorption and excretion of chromium depends on its level in blood. Insulin increases the level of chromium. The bioavailability of chromium gets increased by unstable compounds of nicotinic acid or nicotinamide. Thus, the intake of chromium is ensured only by fresh food products.
Chromium absorbing is conditioned by the chelating agents. Thus, oxalic acid increases absorbing but phytic acid reduces it. The lack of zinc and iron causes increased absorbing of chromium but their exceeded level leads to its decrease. Vanadium, zinc and iron compete with chromium for absorbing and further bond with transferrin. Calcium carbonate can cause the lack of chromium. Glucose-containing products increase the requirement for chromium, simultaneously increasing its loss with urine.
The antacid state of the stomach facilitates Cr + 6 gets reduced to Cr + 3. The amount of chromium contained in organs and tissues is usually higher than in blood.
Absorbed chromium gets excreted from the body mainly with urine and in trace amounts with bile and hair. Non-absorbed chromium, which makes 99% of its incoming quantity, gets excreted with feces.
The organs depositing the most of chromium are the liver, kidneys, intestines, thyroid, cartilage and bone tissue and lungs.
The level of chromium decreases proportionally with aging, which can be explained by the lack of its intake and a decreased demand for chromium-dependent enzymes after growth cessation.
The factors affecting the chromium metabolism are high-glucose diets, stress, strenuous exercising, protein starvation, infections, etc.
Chromium is an element of the following essential properties:
Vital 3-valent chromium is responsible for following body function:
• being a principium of insulin enzymes, trypsin;
• participating in the protein metabolism;
• participating in the lipid metabolism;
• being capable of substituting iodine for the thyroid gland.
With reference to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health (Russia), the optimum level of chromium consumption is 50 mg at the maximum allowable dose of 250 mg.
Both lack of chromium and its exceeded level in human tissues and organs can lead to serious health problems.
Thus, lack of chromium triggers development of the diabetes-like disorder and causes diabetes mellitus type 2, which is associated with the following states:
• resolution of glucose intolerance;
• increased blood insulin;
• high blood sugar level;
• glucose present in urine;
• increased triglycerides and cholesterol levels in blood;
• increase in atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels;
• risk of heart attacks and strokes;
• coronary pathology;
• pregnancy;
• elderly age.
It is important to monitor the level of chromium during pregnancy and puerperium since labour prevents chromium form accumulating of and depletes its reserves.
Chromium and insulin interacting can lead to weight gain, fluid retention and hypertension, which is especially common during pregnancy and straight after it. Moreover, the lack of chromium is associated with such clinical pathologies as incomplete pregnancy and low birth weight.
Chromium-containing drugs prescribed for diabetes mellitus type 2 stabilizes the level of blood sugar, however, exceeded level of this element may result in hypoglycemia and an excessive tissue sensitivity to insulin.
Besides the abovementioned, the exceeded level of chromium leads to the following pathologies:
• decreased immunological reactivity of the body;
• ulcers, eczema, dermatitis;
• allergies, asthmatic bronchitis, pneumosclerosis;
• predisposition to gastric ulcer, gastritis, hepatitis, astheno-neurotic disorders, impaired cardiovascular activity.
The carcinogenic effect, the exceeded level of chromium can have on the body, deserves the special mention. To be more precise, we should be aware of a fact, that lung cancer can result from the regular prolonged exposure to chrome paint and enamel.
The information provided in this article makes it is clear that the level of chromium in the body plays the most essential role in the human vital activity. It is very important to monitor chromium in the body, since any deviation in its required amount can cause disorders which can even result in death.
Analyzing the requests made by the consumers, looking for the information on chromium, we have detected the following variations:
• how to determine the amount of chromium present in the human body;
• how to determine the amount of chromium in the human body;
• how to determine the amount of chromium in the body;
• how to check the level of chromium in the body;
• how to raise the level of chromium in the body;
• how to increase the level of chromium in the human body;
• how can I learn the level of chromium in the human body;
• how the level of chromium in the body can be determined;
• how to replete chromium in the body;
• how to find out the amount of chromium present in the human body;
• how to determine the limit of chromium for a child and an adult, etc.
Answer the questions of " how can I learn the level of chromium in the human body ?" and "how how to determine the limit of chromium for a child and an adult " we would like to recommend you the unique innovative research method analyzing the human inorganic tissues (nails, teeth, hair). The method of spectral analysis most accurately determines the level of chromium in the body, as well as provides a detailed picture of the other 32 vital and toxic chemical elements.
Regarding the methods used for determining chromium in the human body, we should say that methods based on studying the organic samples (blood, urine, saliva, etc.), unfortunately are not capable of providing an accurate quantitative information on the trace element present in the body. Since trace elements tend to be deposited in tissues, bones, organs, organic samples cannot provide their exact amount in the right proportion.
The method of coupled plasma mass spectrometry is a unique technique which makes it possible to determine the full range of vital and toxic trace elements in the analyzed samples. It is unrivalled when it comes to detection of a number of heavy metals. This method was initially elaborated for monitoring the presence of heavy metals in the body. It was meant for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations such as responders, firefighters, etc.
Toxic trace elements get systematically accumulated in the tissues, organs, bones and other body structures, therefore it is impossible to detect their exact presence through studies of the organic samples such as urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, etc.
It also applies to the detection of the vital trace elements when their exact quantity needs to be determined in order to build an overall picture of the bioelemental status qua the aggregate of vital and toxic elements.
That is exactly why the unique laboratory of elemental analysis aimed at detecting and monitoring the presence of toxic trace elements in the human body of was launched within the Clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2007. The service was initially meant for employees of the huge structure accountable to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
The spectral analysis (you can learn more about the method by clicking this link is a unique method which provides the most accurate information both on vital and toxic trace elements, present in a human body, which makes it possible to study the wide range of indicators instead of focusing on a certain single chemical element.
You can look into an example of the study done through the method of the spectral analysis by clicking this link.
It is a matter of great importance, since the trace elements constitute a single system and the lack of some elements causes the accumulation of the others, which results in replacement of the certain elements with the other once.
As you might see, our project is fully devoted to the spectral analysis and its principle with regard to health control. We will gladly assist you at every step of this study, elucidate the obtained results and, if necessary, advise you on how to restore the elemental status of your body.
Our experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the method of spectral analysis!
The uniqueness of this method makes it possible to study samples sent from any part of the world as a usual letter. It is a truly unique tool of the health control.
Remember that the systematic control over the vital sighs it is the major step on the way to well-being and longevity.
We would like to thank you for your kind attention!
Yours faithfully, 33 Elementa.Ru
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