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How to determine the amount of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the human body

Dear friends!

This article is focused on mercury (hydrargyrum) (Hg) a chemical element, located under the number 80 in the periodic table.

how to determine the amount of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the human body

Mercury (hydrargyrum) compounds belongs to hazardous highly toxic products, which systematically get deposited in the bodies of  people and domestic animals inhabiting cities.

Native mercury (hydrargyrum) was known to people of ancient India and China  in the form of cinnabar (HgS). They used it for making  paints, cosmetics and remedies and called it "hydrargyros" which meant “liquid silver”. Solid mercury (hydrargyrum) was  discovered by  Russian scientists M. V. Lomonosov and I. A. Brown in 1759

Mercury (hydrargyrum) is absolutely unnecessary for the body, thus  there is no medical information on the effect its lack has on the  human health.

As for the exceeded level of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the human body, it was studied in great detail, and doctors express agitation with regards to the rate this pathogenic metal gets accumulated with, in the bodies of city inhabitants.

Mercury (hydrargyrum) mostly gets into the human body with water, seafood, air, food products, pesticides and sprouting means, etc.  

Mercury (hydrargyrum) poisoning manifests itself through the following pathologies:

- increased fatigue;

- headache;

- pulse lability;

- tachycardia, gingivitis;

- changes in the blood composition;

- necrotic nephrosis;

- kidney disease;

- pathologies of the brain and nervous system, etc.

Ordinary urban residents accumulate mercury (hydrargyrum) systematically and over for a long period of time. Children are especially vulnerable to this effect  due to the active forming of organs and the absence of a few physiological protective immune mechanisms.

It is  especially important to farm labourers, seamen, doctors,  silverer, casters to monitor this trace element in their bodies. The same goes for people with the alcohol dependency.

Analyzing the requests made by people in Internet, we have detected the following variations:

• how to determine the amount of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the body;

• how to determine the amount of mercury (hydrargyrum)  in the human body;

• how to check the level of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the body;

• how to reduce the level of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the body;

• how to reduce the level of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the human body;

• how can I learn the level of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the human body;

• how to eliminate mercury (hydrargyrum) present in the body;

• how to determine the amount of mercury (hydrargyrum) present in the human body;

• how to determine the limit of mercury (hydrargyrum) for a child and an adult;

• why is mercury (hydrargyrum) bad for the human body;

• what harm can mercury (hydrargyrum) do to the human body;

• why is the excess of mercury (hydrargyrum) bad for the human body;

• what harm can mercury (hydrargyrum) do to a human;

• the harm mercury (hydrargyrum) can do to a human;

• the harm mercury (hydrargyrum) can do to the human health;

Statistics demonstrates that people are rather alarmed about this chemical element. This fact has a positive side, since the awareness of the danger makes people check their bodies for the presence of this toxic metal and systematically monitor its level, which reduces the health risks.

Answering the question of "how to determine the amount of mercury (hydrargyrum)  in the human body?" we could list the following methods:

-  determination of arsenic in serum;

- determination of arsenic in urine;

- studies of cerebrospinal fluid;

- determination of arsenic done with the method of coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spectral analysis).

The method of spectral analysis is the most accurate and informative one and it is rightly considered the technology of the 21st century!

The main advantage of this method lies in the wide range of data it provides.

Along with the data on the quantitative content of mercury (hydrargyrum), patients receive the most valuable information on the other 32 trace elements  which makes it possible to detect the weak points of the body, find the correct solution to current problems and annually monitor changes in the bioelemental composition of the body.

It should be kept in mind that determining solely the presence of mercury (hydrargyrum), so to speak, would mean seeing just one sunbeam in the dark sky.  It is necessary to trace the levels of other chemical elements in order to obtain a complete picture of the elemental status, since all of them interact in one bounded system called “the body”  and the exceeded level of some indicators changes the values of the others,  accumulation of toxic pathogenic trace elements  reduces the amount of vital ones and leads to disorders and pathologies of the human body.

You can see the examples of the done tests  by clicking this link

You can determine of the presence of mercury (hydrargyrum) in the body with the method of coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the analysis laboratory  of  the All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine of A.M. Nikiforov,  the only institution that has the state accreditation in Russia.

You can learn more about the method of spectral analysis by clicking this link. As you may have noticed, the mission of our company lies in expounding this research method elaborated by the Clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situation we represent.

If you decide to do the test, please, don't hesitate to  contact our company. We will be happy to answer all your questions and help you with sampling.

The uniqueness of this method makes it possible to study samples sent from any part of the world as a usual letter. It is a truly unique tool of the health control.

We would like to thank you for your kind attention!

Yours faithfully, 33 Elementa.Ru

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