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How to determine the amount of vanadium in the human body

Dear friends!

In this section, we are honored to present you vanadium (V), a trace element, located in the 5-nd group of the periodic table, under the number 23.

how to determine the amount of vanadium in the human body

 This trace element was discovered in Mexico in 1801. It got its name  from Vanadis, a Greek goddess of beauty.

Properties of vanadium relegate it to the toxic trace elements, and when its concentration gets exceeded it leads to negative consequences for the human health and the environment.

Yet, we should keep in mind that it is a vital component of the body, when present in the minimum necessary proportion.

Vanadium is naturally present in ash, oil, oil shale, bitumen and asphalt, etc. In case of the oil spill the environment gets polluted with vanadium compounds, causing the irreparable damage to living organisms.

Regarding industry, intoxicating with vanadium is adherent to glass, weaving, metallurgical, rubber among others industries.

Speaking of the ways of vanadium getting into the human body, the most common is digestive absorption of vanadium salts, coming from food, water and, in smaller quantities, from the air.

The best-known benefit vanadium provides to the human body is its role of the structural material for bones and teeth. Vanadium is contained in the human body in its skeleton, dentin, dental tissue, kidneys, liver and lungs.

Vanadium is the trace element essential for the bone tissue, participating in calcification, and it also protects teeth from carious.

Vanadium is also involved in potentiation of insulin, through effecting its receptors, and is engaged in the metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides.

The pathological lack of vanadium manifests itself through the following symptoms and pathologies:

- the increase in blood pressure;

- the infertility and miscarriages;

- anemia and edema caused by sodium and water retention in the body;

- the reduced resistance of the body to tuberculosis bacteria;

- atherosclerosis, diabetes, etc.

The systematic contact with vanadium and its exceeded limit in the body results in the following:

- multiple sclerosis;

- manic depression;

- the immunity compromise;

- the increase in arterial pressure and tone of peripheral arteries;

- malignant tumors and neoplasms, etc.

The acute intoxication of vanadium is signaled with neurotoxic, hepatotoxic and leukotoxic symptoms along with local inflammation of skin and mucous membranes.

The pathogenic effect of vanadium and its tendency for accumulation decrease if the required amounts of selenium, iron, lithium, cobalt are present in the human body.

Analyzing the requests made by that consumers regarding the element, this article is devoted to, we have detected the following variations:

• how to determine the amount of vanadium  present in the human body;

• how to determine the amount of vanadium  in the human body;

• how to determine the amount of vanadium in the body;

• how to reduce the level of vanadium in the body;

• how to reduce the level of vanadium in the human body;

• how can I learn the level of vanadium in the human body;

• how the level of vanadium in the body can be determined;

• how to eliminate vanadium present in the body;

• how to learn the amount of vanadium  present in the human body;

• how to determine the limit of vanadium for a child and an adult;

• why is vanadium bad for the human body;

• what kind of harm vanadium can do to a human;

• why is the excess of vanadium bad for the human body;

• why is vanadium bad for a human;

• the harm vanadium can do to a human;

• the harm vanadium can do to the human health;

Answering the questions of “how to determine the amount of vanadium  in the body of an adult and a child? / what harm vanadium can do to the human body? ”, we must say that there is only one method capable of determining the bioelemental status of the human body i.e.  the innovative method of coupled plasma mass spectrometry, based on studying the chemical composition of hair. It was introduced as a part of the healthcare program for the employees of the government agencies and institutions and has been applied effectively ever since.

    Toxic trace elements get systematically accumulated in the tissues, organs, bones and other body structures, therefore it is impossible to detect their exact presence through studies of the organic samples such as urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, etc.

It also applies to the detection of the vital trace elements when their exact quantity needs to be determined in order to build an overall picture of the bioelemental status qua the aggregate of vital and toxic elements.

    That is exactly why the unique laboratory of elemental analysis aimed at detecting and monitoring the presence of toxic trace elements in the human body of was launched within the Clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2007. The service was initially meant for employees of the huge structure accountable to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    The spectral analysis (you can learn more about the method by clicking this link is a unique method which provides the most  accurate information both on vital and toxic trace elements, present in a human body, which makes it possible to study the wide range of indicators instead of focusing on a certain single chemical element.

You can look into an example of the study done through the method of the spectral analysis by clicking this link.

It is a matter of great importance, since the trace elements constitute a single system and the lack of some elements causes the accumulation of the others, which results in replacement of the certain elements with the other once.

    As you might see, our project is fully devoted to the spectral analysis and its principle with regard to health control. We will gladly assist you at every step of this study, elucidate the obtained results and, if necessary, advise you on how to restore the elemental status of your body.

Our experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the method of spectral analysis!

The uniqueness of this method makes it possible to study samples sent from any part of the world as a usual letter. It is a truly unique tool of the health control.

Remember that the systematic control over the vital sighs it is the major step on the way to well-being and longevity.

We would like to thank you for your kind attention!

Yours faithfully, 33 Elementa.Ru

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