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How to check the level of iodine in the human body

Dear friends!

how to check the level of iodine in the body, analyzes

    This article is focuses on the methods allowing to study the presence of iodine in the human body. This essential trace element directly affects the body function.

The medical research has shown that the lack of iodine in the human body has been becoming rather typical and  common, which cannot be considered good news.

Poor environment, the low-quality food we consume and other factors, in total, have an adverse effect on the bioelemental status of the people.

    Up to 1.5 billion people in the world, including 70% of the population of Russia, suffer from this problem. This is particularly true for the regions of the North-West and the North, due to unfavorable climatic conditions and the local regimen which remained unchanged over many centuries and became the part of DNA of the local people.

    Looking for global solution to this problem,  we must say that everyone should monitor the level of iodine present in the body and replenish the diet with the necessary biological additives, helping to replete iodine in the body and reduce the risk of its lack.

    The continuous monitoring of iodine, present in the body, is especially crucial for women throughout their lives and, especially during pregnancy and lactation periods, for children and teenagers during their developmental stages, and for people exposed to radiation.

    Analyzing the requests made by that consumers regarding this issue, we have detected the following variations:

•   how to determine the lack of iodine in the body;

•   how to recognize iodine deficiency in the body;

•   how to check the level of iodine in the body, analyzes;

•   how to check the level of iodine in the body at home;

•   how to determine iodine in the human body;

•   how to determine the limit of iodine normal for the human body;

•   how to learn the level of iodine present in the human body.

    Considering the methods used for detecting and monitoring iodine, present in the human body, we can list the following common methods:

- determining the content of iodine in the human body at home

- determining the amount of iodine in the serum or urine

    The first one should not  be taken seriously. It just indicates the presence of Iodine as such.  These home tests provide no accurate data and it is impossible to come to any medical conclusions regarding  the content of iodine in the body on their bases.

    Speaking about determining the presence of iodine in the serum and urine, this method can't be considered entirely accurate due to the tendency of the studied organic biological material for changing values of its chemical composition, while passing through the body, which results in a number of deviations in coherent research values.

    With regards to the specifics of our company, we refer to the innovative method of studying the biological materials, i.e. the method of spectral analysis of hair, employed in the All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine of A.M. Nikiforov. You can learn more about the method by clicking this link

    This method assures the most accurate determination of  the amount of iodine in the human body. The obtained data will be accompanied by the information on other vital trace elements, since the lack of iodine is always associated with the lack of selenium and it also affects a number of other values of the mineral and vitamin status of the human body.

You can see the examples of the done tests , by clicking this link

The data based on the study of 33 chemical elements, obtained through the method of spectral analysis, will provide you with quite valuable information on the general condition of your body and its problem areas you should focus your attention on.

According to the data of  medical research, everyone has a genetic disposition to lack of some trace elements, thus, each of us should know his strengths and weaknesses in order to stand guard over his health!

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the method of spectral analysis of hair.

Yours faithfully, 33 Elementa.Ru

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